I wanted this blog to be as simple as possible and on the subject.
Having some kitchen knowledge from several countries where life brought me and I have spent more or less, I decided to create something completely new in this vast area called Living Food.
My source of inspiration is simplicity, and the desire to create something that has many nutrients and is not complicated. For those reasons I chose to not combine too many types of fat in one meal.
I have applied many principles and life lessons by choosing the ingredients such as natural-BIO products, prolonging the lives of our fellows humans who provide us with all those wonderful green plants as well as keeping the Mother Earth cleaner.
Many teachers and doctors in nutrition and not only have helped me with what they have learned in their own experience, to learn more and develop my imagination.
There are many things about nutrition and food industry that are kept secret, which if we do a little research on this great network that is the internet we will find more information about healthy food.
We just need to know what we are looking for. If we want to maintain our health and a high tonus, we will choose a healthier lifestyle, as we know the simple-living food is absorbed most easily, the nutrients are quickly reaching the bloodstream.
My recipes are inspirational and do not necessarily have to be strictly followed. We are All creators, do not be afraid to improvise and try something new if you wish to add something.
I wish you to enjoy those recipes created with Love and Joy in the soul, gathering together the ingredients that are provided to us by this wonderful Mother Earth.
Multumesc mult Marcia pentru aprecieri si in acelasi timp imi cer scuze ca nu am mai pus retete in ultima perioada. Cand mai pot, o sa mai adaug si alte retete.